October marks the beginning of the tempting treats season. Halloween candy is purchased multiple times in my house because…well, it just doesn’t last. We can’t seem to keep our hands off of it! Halloween brings Thanksgiving which brings stuffing, pies, and potatoes. Thanksgiving brings December’s endless cookie plates. Am I complaining? Nooo Siree Bob. I look forward to pumpkin pie like any PSL lovin’ gal. However, I do create some strategies for healthy noshing during this season. My most successful strategy is serving healthy holiday-themed snacks.

Here are six of our favorite healthy Halloween treats!
1. Apple Smiles: This is by far the easiest recipe! Simply slice apples, spread with peanut butter, and place mini marshmallows between two pieces. Viola! Spooky smiles!
2. Mummy pizza – If you enjoy baking, make homemade pizza dough (if not, store bought works!) and shape into a mummy by pulling the ends over one another. I like using olives for eyes!
3. Halloween Chex Mix: This may not be the healthiest snack, but in moderation it’s a nice crunchy treat. Make homemade chex mix, but toss in candy corn or candy pumpkins to give it a fall theme.
4. Halloween themed veggie tray: Simply google “Halloween veggie tray” for fun ideas on how to arrange vegetables into any shape – I think skeleton is the most fun!
5. Sick pumpkin dip: More delicious than it sounds, buy or make any dip (spinach artichoke, hummus, etc.) then serve it next to a pumpkin. The catch – draw a face on the pumpkin in permanent marker that makes it looks like it’s throwing up dip (I know, it sounds gross, but people love it!).
6. Candy corn fruit bowls: Serve chopped fruit in single serving clear cups. Place chopped pineapple on the bottom, then chopped orange. Serve cool whip on top, and you’ve created a healthy version of candy corn!
This Halloween might be strange since we are not gathering like we would in previous years. Thankfully, our city is still allowing trick or treating (with the appropriate safety measures). We are still planning on making some spooky treats to celebrate the season. The only thing that won’t be strange this year is everyone wearing masks!
